Saturday, September 15, 2012

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

A formal Irish-language personal name consists of a given name and a surname. Surnames in Irish are generally patronymic in etymology, although they are no longer literal patronyms, as Icelandic names are. The form of a surname varies according to whether its bearer is male or female, and in the case of a married woman, whether she chooses to adopt her husband's surname.
An alternative traditional naming convention consists of the first name followed by a double patronym, usually with the father and grandfather's names. This convention is not used for official purposes but is generalised in Gaeltachtaí or Irish-speaking areas, and also survives in some rural non-Gaeltacht areas. Sometimes the name of the mother or grandmother may be used instead of that of the father or grandfather.

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

Irish Surnames

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